Bob and Brad will have samples of the newest Excel Math materials on display. And you'll be able to enjoy sunsets such as these.
In addition, you can pick up a piece of chocolate at the Excel Math booth #526.
Plus you will be able to browse through the newest Excel Math materials. Excel Math is available in three versions:
- Common Core Edition
- Texas Edition
- Standard (Non Common Core) Edition
You can help your students succeed in mathematics skills with Excel Math for Kindergarten through Grade 6.
If your state is teaching to the Common Core Standards, order our Excel Math Common Core Teacher Edition.
If you are teaching to the new TEKS, order our Texas Excel Math Teacher Edition.
If you are in a non-Common Core state or school, you can use our Excel Math Standard Teacher Edition.
Whichever edition you use, your students will
receive the benefit of our proven CheckAnswer system, unique spiraling
process, and math lessons that really work!
Find out more about the convention or register to attend at http://www.ncea.org/convention/convention-and-expo
Questions about how Excel Math lessons work? Leave a comment below.
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