Additional Math Pages & Resources

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pumpkin Math: Subtraction

Your students will enjoy combining the fall season, pumpkins, cookies and pumpkin seeds with their math lessons. Today we'll look at some fun ways to incorporate pumpkins with subtraction and basic fact practice.

With Excel Math, students learn addition and subtraction plus foundational math concepts. Our unique spiraling process helps students retain those concepts over the long term. Learn more at

Scoop out the seeds from a pumpkin and rinse them off. Spread them out on a cookie sheet and spray them with cooking spray. Sprinkle them lightly with salt. Cook at 350º for 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Turn them halfway through, if you like.

Let the seeds cool. Give each student 12-20 seeds.

Pumpkin Seed Toss
Save an empty egg carton for each pair of students. Let the students number the egg cups 1-12. Place two pumpkin seeds (or use beads or buttons) in each carton, close the lid and have one student shake the carton. The other student opens the carton and says a subtraction equation, using the numbers where the pumpkin seeds landed. Explain that they should subtract the smaller number from the larger one.
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What are some fun ways you teach subtraction using fall visuals? Share your ideas using the Comments box below.

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