The American Pet Products Association estimates that $50.84 billion dollars was spent on our pets in the United States in 2011. In 2010 we spent $48.35 billion dollars on our pets. Here are the actual sales of pet products (food, supplies and over-the-counter medicines, veterinarian care, live animal purchases, and grooming and boarding) within the U.S. market in 2010:
Basic annual expenses for dog and cat owners in the United States include surgical vet visits, routine vet visits, food, kennel boarding, travel expenses, vitamins, grooming and grooming aids, and food treats. Comparing the expenses of dogs and cats, dogs turn out to be a bit more costly overall, but cats tend to cost more in surgical vet visits.
After taking a look at some of the high costs associated with pet ownership, you might think pet owners would suffer from high blood pressure and depression. Not true. Having a pet can actually help fight depression and loneliness, giving people a reason to take an interest in life. When seniors face adversity or trauma, affection from pets is especially important. The bonding behavior between pets and their owners can give people a sense of security. (Between Pets and People: The Importance of Animal Companionship)
Pets can also help to lower health care costs. People with pets actually make fewer doctor visits, especially for non-serious medical conditions. (National Institute of Health Technology Assessment Workshop: Health Benefits of Pets)
This is a photo of Muffin, an eleven-year-old Cockapoo. Muffin's owner spent about $400 to have her teeth cleaned and a few teeth pulled last year. Here she is helping her family get the house decorated for Christmas:
And here's her neighbor making Valentine's cookies. Muffin is on her way over to check them out. Wishing you and your pet another year of good health and fabulous friendship! Do you have a pet? If so, take our poll on the left sidebar and let us know which one(s) you have.